- After being exposed to porn, men are less satisfied with their partners’ attractiveness, sexual performance, and level of affection. They also express a greater desire for sex without emotional involvement.
- Adult exposure to porn is associated with being more likely to have an affair.
- Marriages in which one partner has a pornography problem or sexual compulsion are commonly plagued by problems with diminished intimacy and sensitivity, anxiety, secrecy, isolation, relationship dysfunction, and decreased financial security due to the risk of job loss or related debts.
- In the 2004 Elle-MSNBC.com poll, one in five men who used Internet pornography for five or more hours per week confessed they were having sex less often with their partners. Which isnt’ surprising, given that 35% said real sex with a woman had become less arousing and 20% admitted real sex just couldn’t compare to cybersex anymore.”
- Studies have shown that even casually watching porn can cause the viewer to feel less attracted to their partner.